ALOP Associate Program now enrolling.
Winter 2025 Classes start February 18th
A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute

Peace Beautiful One,
We are ready to receive you for the Naturopathic Reiki 2: The Essentials of Therapy Certification.
Here are some important tips to make the best of your online Naturopathic Reiki Experience.
1. Our class will be 6 hours. Arrive at least 10 minutes early. You must attend the class from beginning to end to be certified.
2. Wear comfortable and relaxing clothes.
3. Log in info will be mailed a few days prior to class.
Your required reading for this course is the Naturopathic Reiki II: The Essentials of Therapy book and the Naturopathic Reiki II Journal. Please click the links to order your books now so that you receive them before class. These books will be your reference guide to all the info you will learn in class and what is needed to complete your requirement for certification.
Please contact us if you have any questions or if you need to change your attendance prior to class.
Light and love,
Dr. Akua