ALOP Associate Program now enrolling.
Winter 2025 Classes start February 18th
A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute

Natural Health and Wellness
Consultant Certification
A lifestyle of spiritual strength, good health, positive emotions, and mental clarity is a birthright. However somehow we have lost connection with the very essence of who we are as divine energy. My goal in providing this certification course to all communities is to do my part in restoring the principles of nature's balance to a world in dire need of change. "If you are looking to balance every aspect of your life and make a career in holistic health, the Natural Health and Wellness Consultant certification is for you.”
- Dr. Akua
Earn certification as a Natural Health and Wellness Consultant. This certification can be used for personal, family, and community service. It can also be used in professional health services as a traditional naturopath, nutritional consultant, and holistic health consultant. At present we are not offering in person NHWC classes.
Assignments for certification include:
Chapter Homework Assignments
The Course Essays
The Final Exam
10 Case Study Assessments
Winter Session begins February 18th, 2025
Tuesday and Thursday evening sessions 7pm CST/8pm EST
Classes held every week
​100 Anatomy and Physiology - a comprehensive overview of the major organ functions, locations, and degree of durability in the nature of disease.
105 Human Biological Systems - a comprehensive overview of the body systems and their interdependent functions, including the often overlooked Melanin System.
110 Human Pathology with Immunology - a perspective of the disease process that focuses on not only the physical aspects of disease, but also the mental effects of disease on the body systems. This course includes lectures on the personality traits of disease and how to identify disease in the body, mind and spirit​. Learn the operations of the immune system in the focus of prevention in naturopathy.
115 Naturopathic Assessment - Learn naturopathic physical assessment skills for the face, hands, feet, lips, tongue, and teeth. Study the various assessment modalities of naturopathy through traditional and modern health assessment tools and protocols.
120 Naturopathic Iridology I - Learn level 1 of iridology as a holistic health assessment tool for reading the physical characteristics of the iris as a means of bringing attention to possible ailments, inherent weaknesses, and health concerns.
125 Body Chemistry Testing, BP, pH and urine - Learn Naturopathic Blood Pressure Analysis, pH, and Urine Analysis. Learn biochemistry testing tools used for determining real time imbalances in organs, tissues and systems of the body.
130 Pharmacology - Learn how to understand the use of prescription medication and its effects on the body systems. Learn the various types of chemical medications and OTC used in the healthcare system, including a comprehensive study of drug and herb interactions.
133 Blood Analysis - Relate the results of naturopathic biochemistry testing combinations to applicable stress factors in diseases most commonly treated in naturopathy.
135 Naturopathic Nutrition I - In naturopathy, the first line of recommendation to clients is nutrition. Learn to the skills for recommending the essentials of nutritional meals, including juicing, raw food menu planning, and cooking for nutrition and healing. Explore proper food combining, nutritional fasting, and nutritional supplements (vitamins, amino acids, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fats and oils). Learn the difference between the nutritional benefits of live foods vs. cooked foods and healthy kitchen etiquette. Get insights on fruit and vegetable gardening in large and small spaces, including the organic approach to community food resources. Learn about food related diseases from stress eating and reversing obesity and other eating disorders.
140 Detox Therapy I - Learn to develop holistic detox programs to fit the needs of all your clients. Become acquainted with various methods of hydrotherapy, nutritional detox, herbal therapies, touch therapies, The Metaphysics of Detox, Detox Movement and Organ Stress Identification.
145 Naturopathic Herbalist I - Learn therapeutic herbology through simple botany in herbal remedies. Learn how to forage for herbs in their natural settings according to the seasons. Learn by example the methods of application for herbal formulas including Naturopathic aroma therapy.
155 Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Solutions to Disease - Learn various tactics and therapies to assist clients with physical imbalances, mental imbalances, emotional imbalances, and spiritual imbalances including Medical Astrology.
197 Family Health - Explore the various ways of tailoring healthy lifestyles programs specific to men, women, children, and elders. Topics range from study of the reproductive systems, hormone imbalances, weight issues, gender specific cancer, chi preservation, Naturopathic pediatrics and holistic parenting.
198 Client Care Consultant Etiquette - Learn how to approach your client for the healing process, client/Naturopath relationship, how to motivate client for consistency in their health programs, and how to avoid relapse.
199 ​Holistic Health Business and Law - Learn how to build and maintain a Naturopathic consulting service. Learn about the Holistic Health Laws in the United States and International Regulations on Naturopathy​.
Students will be required to obtain the materials for the Naturopathic Lab Kit:
pH paper roll
urine analysis multistix 10SG
iridology examination glass
medical pen light
The Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Manual is also additional and may be ordered at
For particular questions on any of the classes and locations Contact Us
The Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Certification Online is available as a self-paced course you can take anytime.
Required Textbooks
Choose Your Class Session
Here's What Students are saying about the
Natural Health and Wellness Certification!
“Here is a powerful tool that closes gaps in mainstream allopathic options. It is used as a course text and is an invaluable reference for my holistic health business and to have around for daily family care. Dr. Gray’s vast knowledge of the human body and natural remedies along with her commitment to ensure all are mentally, physically and spiritually whole must be commended, and is evidenced in these pages.”
– D’or Nelson, CHWC
"I'm riding a wave of such beautiful energy. There is light all around me, and I am receiving and transmitting that light. I'm learning to tap into my powers. I am a healer, I am divine. I give special appreciation to Dr. Akua Gray for her presence and beautiful energy as well.
– Neshama A., Austin, TX
This class has given me a different perspective on life. The Consultant Manual is something I will refer to for the rest of my life as a guide to keep me on track. The certification is a sincere extension of Dr. Akua, who lives what she teaches. Hands down this class and book combination was one of the best things I have been able to experience, and Dr. Akua's teachings come straight from her spirit.”
-Toni Hickman, NHWC
“Taking the Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Certification course with A Life of Peace Wellness Institute gave me valuable and thorough knowledge of whole body wellness through nutrition, herbal sciences and naturopathy. Each lesson was taught to us in a way that we were able to internalize it efficiently. Not only is this knowledge helpful in my personal life but most importantly, I'm able to transfer this knowledge to clients within my business. I'm so grateful for having been exposed to these modalities.”
-Shirley Talivu Kelly, Missouri City, TX
“I am very fortunate to have taken the course on Naturopathy (Natural Health and Wellness Consultant Certification). I gained so much information and skills that upgraded my ability and confidence to work with patients, facilitate different non-invasive therapies for their healing journey and develop paths to wellness and wholeness. The manual has been a great reference book and guide for me when I do my assessments, patient care and health management. Dr. Akua’s tutelage has qualified me as a credible Naturopathic Practitioner and has put integrity into my practice. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Akua for the gift of her presence, kindness and generosity. Her passion to help individuals heal in body, mind and spirit has been an inspiration and motivation for me to do the same for my fellowmen.”
-Gemini Baladad, Philippines