ALOP Associate Program now enrolling.
Fall 2024 Classes start September 17th
A Life Of Peace Wellness Education Institute
Peace Beautiful One,
Your registration has been received for the Naturopathic Reiki Master Teacher Certification.
We will meet for two full days of energy medicine wonderful learning! Here are just a few notes to get you ready for this groundbreaking experience. (This is the first of it's kind)
1. Do a self-treatment everyday.
2. Refresh your knowledge on Naturopathic Reiki 1 and 2, especially the level II symbols.
3. Gather your Reiki tools: pendulum, crystals, wands, reiki stones, reiki cloths etc, to use for in class practicals.
We are anticipating a very interactive class with multiple sessions of both giving and receiving therapies for your practicals. Your Naturopathic Reiki 3 Manuals are included with the course. There are 4 additional books that are recommended but not required until you are ready to move into the level of mastery that is taught in these books. However, We will be working directly out of the Usui and Hayashi Manuals in class.
1. The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui by Frank Ajarva Petter
2. The Hayashi Reiki Manual by Frank Ajarva Petter
3. Reiki Best Practices by Frank Ajarva Petter
4. Spiritual Healing: Myth or Mirage by Alan Young
More emails are coming your way with details on log in for online access or your location for in-person classes, textbooks, and any additional information we need you to have.
We look forward to seeing you in class. Please feel free to Contact Us with any additional questions.
Light and love,
Dr. Akua