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Living in the light of world change is an humbling experience. It reiterates the universal knowledge that all things and all people great and small are connected. This connection however often sparks emotional triggers that can leave the emotionally immature in a state of confusion and despondency. That's where the wellness community steps in with various levels of support to lovingly continue to facilitate healing of the mind, body, and spirit. Are you one of those helpers to the world? If you are reading this, I know you are. The message for many of our localities right is to stay at home. I agree 100% with this directive, however staying at home doesn't mean you stop reaching those that you have been called to help as a community wellness service provider. I want to give you a few ways to continue your purposeful mission of "living and giving."

1. Take a week to totally focus on family. One of my favorite quotes of all time is, "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." Now I know we all have a Junebug or an Uncle Bobo, you can include them if you want to, but I'm specifically talking about those that are in your home. Take some time to get to know them all over again; learning those thing you can appreciate about them and those things that help you to accept how they really are and find peace with that. Our children need all of your patience, understanding, creative ideas and expressions of joy to balance the amount of spiritual and emotional turmoil that is being released globally.

2. Assess and journal what your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs are during this time of change. Who were you before this lock down, who are you now and what will you look like as we enter into the "new normal." Your relationship with yourself will help you drop expectations of others and clearly open the path to your next level of ascension. Having a vision of love and care for yourself also helps you freely share what you have mastered in your own healing.

3. Continue to support businesses in your community, yes it's easy to have Amazon and other mail order companies to drop everything at your door, but what I have found as I have ventured out is that many people are still trying to work and hold on to their sources of income right there in your city or town. Let's give them support first. African-American businesses and organizations especially need your support. If you have never donated to your local community center, like SHAPE in Houston, most of your favorite community organizations have a donate button and will take $5, if that is what you have to give.

Living and giving is a lifestyle that creates balance in what you do for yourself and others. Living and giving is a direct reflection of how the universe has thrived. You are now that reflection of universal energy, moving, transforming, nurturing and living life to the fullest! Be well beautiful ones. Do you know how powerful you are?

Peace and blessings,

Dr. Akua November 1, 2020 Cape Coast, Ghana

1 Comment

Simone Turner
Apr 21, 2021

Wonderful tips! Thank you for sharing them.

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